
Durante un día de pasadía, los visitantes pueden participar en una variedad de actividades dependiendo de las opciones disponibles en el destino. Esto puede incluir visitas a lugares turísticos destacados como parques naturales, playas, sitios históricos, museos, zonas comerciales o atracciones culturales. Además, pueden participar en actividades al aire libre como senderismo, snorkel, kayak, observación de aves, o simplemente relajarse en la playa.

12 Días

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

12 Días

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

12 Días

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

12 Días

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

12 Días

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

6 Días - 5 Noches

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

7 Días - 6 Noches

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

5 Horas

Recorrido en lancha que visita Piscina Natural, Isla Pájaros, Boca del Drago y Playa de Las Estrellas

Alquiler de jetski por 1 hora acompañado de guía dispuesto a recorrer las áreas de su interés.


5 Horas

Recorrido en lancha que le lleva a Cayo Coral para disfrutar de 2 spots de snorkeling para luego llevarle a...

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