
Muchas comunidades indígenas en Panamá protegen extensas áreas de selva y ecosistemas naturales. Los visitantes pueden participar en tours de eco-turismo y aventuras al aire libre, como caminatas por la selva, paseos en canoa por ríos y observación de aves, mientras aprenden sobre la importancia de la conservación ambiental para estas comunidades.

12 Días

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

12 Días - 12 Noches

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

9 Días

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

12 Días

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

12 Días

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

12 Días

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

12 Días

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

12 Días

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

7 Días - 6 Noches

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

6 Días - 5 Noches

The Tiananmen, a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1415 during the Ming dynasty. In...

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